Du-All is continually refining our process and materials to better serve our clients. We can handle any job, big or small. We have the largest anodizing and dye tanks of any Bay Area plating shop that enable us to provide you with fast, efficient turn-around time.
Du-All is very sensitive to returning your parts back to you in a timely manner, so we strive to maintain our "not to exceed 24 hours" policy. In fact, we accommodate most customers in as little as 4 hours. We also can prepare, package, and safely ship your products anywhere in the world to get them where they need to be, on time.
Du-All is continually upgrading and refining our processes and materials to better serve our clients. We can handle any job, big or small. We have the largest anodizing and dye tanks of any Bay Area plating shop that enable us to provide you with fast, efficient turn-around time. We have plated parts for some of the most successful companies in the world, including Apple computer, NASA, Lockheed Martin, IBM, DuPont, Toshiba and Applied Materials, just to name a few.
Du-All has an acute knowledge and understanding of your business, and your parts. We employ experts who have the insight to make recommendations as to what the most effective and efficient way might be to protect your products. By continually refining our equipment and closely watching the balance of our chemicals, Du-All has successfully surpassed all industry standard Anodizing tests for quality.
At Du-All, we understand how important consistency is in color, shape and size. In order to achieve that consistency, we use deionized water throughout all of our systems as well a water filtration and agitation procedures to provide a uniform consistency to all the pieces that pass through our plating process. Our tanks are monitored and maintained on a regular basis and are tested in-house daily and out-of-house twice a week by a certified lab. Our chemicals are kept pure, and our concentrations are pH balanced on a daily basis. All chemicals and dyes (Link to Clariant) used are the finest in the industry. In addition, our racking methods are standardized to maintain color density. We take all of these necessary precautions to ensure that all colors maintain consistent color concentration and titration, which all ensure a uniform color throughout all parts. Finally, spec sheets are developed so the job with the exact same color can be run again with relative ease.
Du-All has developed a process that enables its Type II Anodized parts to withstand UV rays for an extended period of time compared to the industry standard. However, Type II Anodizing is not intended to hold up to UV rays over an extended period of time.
There are many variables that can affect the dimensional tolerances of parts. The challenge of dimensional tolerances is that even the slightest build-up can significantly affect parts. For example, if we are anodizing a part that will eventually be bolted in with screws, even the slightest build up can affect your part and not allow for the correct pieces to fit appropriately. Du-All recognizes this challenge and has implemented many effective techniques that deal with close tolerance parts so as to avoid these potential build-ups. The utilization of non-etch strippers process parts to create an even exchange of removal and build-up so tolerances are maintained and change very little.
The following are links to our partners, suppliers and industry resources.
Suppliers and Products
Industry Resources:
The Sacramento Windmill Company approached Du-All because they needed to anodize some specific components within the electrical boxes that powered their windmills. They knew that among the many benefits of Type II Anodizing, corrosion resistant, increased durability as well as having a nonelectrical conductive surface were the most important.
They also wanted to use Du-All because the dimensions had to be absolutely perfect with no margin for error and they knew that Du-All had the capabilities to get it done right. Du-All ran the parts with very tight tolerances utilizing non-etch strippers. They did this in order to process parts to create an even exchange of removal and build-up so the tolerances were maintained. As a result, Du-All was able to remove more build-up material than normal, thus maintaining the integrity of the parts.